Freitag, 25. Mai 2007


using System;
public class Greetings {
    public static int Main(String[] args) {
       Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!") ;
       return 0;

Just wanted to tell to the interessted blog reader, I am stressed like hell at the moment.

Could you imagine: The last three working months were dull like hell.
The last two weeks on the other side were interessting and i learned in the past two weeks more than the whole last half year.
The other side of the medal is that my freetime gets very short really fast.
But at the end my live has a sense again, thank godness, my dull working days are over!

You want some details? Here they are: My job is, to analyse software requirements for our new project. This task makes it necessary to talk to people a lot and i like that kind of work. I hate it like &%$§§§ sitting and coding the whole day, it makes me nuts.

Ok the reason i started this blog is that i wanted to inform you I found out, that our local newspaper "derstandard" offers on monday a set of texts from an English newspaper .
I also wanted to mention that I read some of this articles, which are sometimes really informative.

If you want some details on the articles leave me a post.

Thats all for now
Cheers Bob

Samstag, 12. Mai 2007


Hello world,

Yes i really have some talkativeness ...
Today we ranked some vocabularies which are necessary or important at a job or interview. Mine where in order of importance.


Also we defined and talked about the term metacognitive.
Meta is a term which describes when you talk about something.
Let me give you an example. MetaLanguage is when you talk about the language.
MetaMetaLanguage is when you talk about talking about a language.

Also part of this lecture was an presentation from Mr. Lutz about should.

We had the privilege to listen to a second presentation from NIKI about Countries, Nationalities and Languages.

To summarize this presentation:
- Everything is written in capital Letters. Serbian, Austrian, German, etc,
- no the before most of the countries, except (the United States and the United Kingdom)
- Adjectives (ish; ian; ese; i; ic)

The last thing i can tell is that next time i will give an presentation about questions and also answer A,B,C on page 78 from book Market Leader.

Cheers Bob

Samstag, 5. Mai 2007


Hello World!

This lecture of business english was after a 2 week break where we had a presentation and rhetoric seminar. In this lecture we rolled back the last lecture [E6].

Due to the fact that i had my notes from last time with me i had the advantage to be able to summarize the last lecture without problems. As long as you do not mention a bad hand writing as big problem. :D Nobody else in my class was using this technique so we have been given the order to use a booklet in future. Which has to be marked English II.

One of the cherries on the cake of this lecture was a presentation from Kernic M. The focus of his presentation was the difference between [have to] and [must] and also [don't have to] and [mustn't].

Just to summarize the facts to the interessted reader:
You use [have to] if its either a fact or necessary to do.
you use [must] if its either your opinion, or you would like to give someone a instruction.

On the other hand you use [don't have to] if you want to say someone that he/she shouldn't do something but he/she has still the option to do it.
Also you can use [mustn't] but with this phrase you want to say that it is necessary to DONT DO IT!!!

Also part of this lecture was some listening exercise.
The advice you get from me is that if you do not want to be seen as unfriendly you have to take care that when you speak to someone your voice is modulating and not beeing flat :D

The last information i can give you is the phrase "pull your finger out", which means work with full throttle. It is important that you note not to use this phrase with your Canadian business partner unless you have 5000 bucks to spend :D. The moral of this story is use phrases carefully, and if you are not sure, ask your local english teacher or the next native speaker in a pub. :D

If you like leave me a post to this blog using [have to], [must], [don't have to] or [mustn't] and i will answer you also using one.
Cheers Bob