Freitag, 20. April 2007



This lecture was on 14th April, the first lesson after easter.

We read an article from It was about Austrian protectionism.
If you want to read it by yourself, the headline of this article is :Business in Austria

To sumarize the article, Austrians accept buying companies from their neighbours but when there comes that some other company wants to buy an Austrian company, there is some many weeks lasting discussion at he political sector. In this Article there was used an excerpt from our chancelllor Alfred Gusenbauer, which i do not want to quote.

Also part of this lecture was a great presentation from Joseph-Anton L.
The agenda of his presentation was phrases with [get].
Just to mention some [do you get it, get involved, etc.]!

Leave me a post to this blog using a phrase with get, and i will answer using also one.


This was the lesson on 24th March, by the way the last one before easter 2007.

Due to the fact that the last time i have been ill, and didn't know vocabularies to describe my illness, this lecture was flavoured with many vocabularies and phrases of illness.
Just to mention a subset of all heared and written down: [headache, stomachache, vomitting, a temperature, an itsy bitsy teeny cold, breaking out in cold, shaking, lack of taste, shaking]

Additionally we heard that in the UK some Austrian diseases do not exist.
For example English People do not have problems like "Nierenerkältung".
The reason to this phenomenon is that most of Austrian citizens are wimps. :D

And last but not least we heared a great presentation from Mr. Werner H.
The agenda of his presentation was [compound objectives].
Just to mention some [sun-tanned, curly-haired]!

The task of this lesson was to put some ideas on how to learn.
Here is mine:
Leave me a post to this blog using a compound objective, and i will answer using also one.